Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Party Animal

The shrew that can drink 'nine glasses of wine' and not get drunk

By Fiona Macrae

It weighs no more than a golf ball and could curl up in the palm of your hand.

But the pen-tailed tree shrew can drink most humans under the table.

The tiny creature has a formidable capacity for alcohol, showing no signs of drunkenness despite spending its nights gorging on alcohol-rich nectar.

Even after the equivalent of more than nine glasses of wine, the animal is still steady on its feet, deftly scaling palm tree ' breweries' for its next nectar fix.

A native of the Malaysian rain forest, the nocturnal shrew is thought to be the only animal - other than humans, of course - to regularly feast on alcohol.

Although it is not entirely clear just how the creature holds its drink, it is thought to metabolise alcohol in a different way to people.

Researchers from Bayreuth-University in Germany established the pen-tailed tree shrew's taste for alcohol during three years visiting the Segari Melintang forest in west Malaysia.

Videos and radio tagging showed the creatures making regular night-time trips to the nectar-filled flowers of the bertram palm.

Each flower bud is a miniature brewery, containing a yeast that turns the nectar into a frothy beverage with an alcohol content of up to 3.8 per cent - similar to many beers.

The researchers, writing in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, say animals just like the shrew were our direct ancestors - so the human taste for alcohol could have its roots deep in evolution.



*** said...

hong..............shabat lamaaaaaaaaaaa.......aku la alonggggggggggg........akhirnyer aku ketemui jua dirimuuuuuuuuuuuu.........bila bleh kat mana skrg?baru2 ni jumpa batak...

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....